Every logo, photograph, image, video and audio recording, with the exception of properties belonging to outside businesses, are property of Uini Research and should not be used without written consent by the Uini Research Director. Any services or merchandise purchased through Uini Research will not be refunded. Pricing of services and merchandise can be changed without notification. If you decide to purchase one or more of our services or purchase one of our merchandise, you agree that you have read this disclaimer. Some states require "entertainment only" for paranormal related content. This disclaimer and any other disclaimers and content on this website can be changed or removed at discretion of the Director of Uini Research.

      In approximately 8 months I passed my GED exam. My reading comprehension level increased to a college level in that time frame. I became a black belt in U.S. Budokai Karate and had won many tournaments. I took on my first Security job in 2006 and won "Employee of the Month". I then moved to another private Security Department at a level 1 trauma center where I would later become a Sergeant for the busiest branch, win more merit awards and became a certified instructor for the state. I beat my depression without any help and learned how to control my anxiety on my own and without medication. I am now a published author and currently am working on my second book! My paranormal team, which is now a registered business, was recognized by a state university professor. Additionally, my team was featured three times on National Television as well as featured in the Newspaper and I was also asked to write articles for a magazine.  

      NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS! So many people told me that I would never amount to anything in life. I lived a secluded life, but somehow managed to accomplish so much in so little time! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF! I used everyone's negativity to my advantage. When someone tells you can't do something, reply back "watch me". My life ended up the way it did, because I spoke out about my experiences. Rather than hide my entire life and waste away, I made it my purpose to help others who also walk this lonely path. I have helped so many who have experienced the paranormal and depression. It feels great when you see someone smile for the first time in ages! Be someone's "light within the darkness". Love one another and lift each other up in their time of need. 
                            #CastUrLight Story


"We must never forget that there are so many people out there who are emotionally suffering because of how they are treated when they try to talk about their experiences. We must cast our light to them, pierce the darkness and let them know that they are not alone in this battle!"
                                              - JOHN GRIFFIN II - DIRECTOR / FOUNDER