Every logo, photograph, image, video and audio recording, with the exception of properties belonging to outside businesses, are property of Uini Research and should not be used without written consent by the Uini Research Director. Any services or merchandise purchased through Uini Research will not be refunded. Pricing of services and merchandise can be changed without notification. If you decide to purchase one or more of our services or purchase one of our merchandise, you agree that you have read this disclaimer. Some states require "entertainment only" for paranormal related content. This disclaimer and any other disclaimers and content on this website can be changed or removed at discretion of the Director of Uini Research.

                             MISSION STATEMENT
As an investigation and research organization, the Uini Research paranormal organization has a mission to research and investigate unexplained phenomenon, provide outstanding professional services to clients, researchers, other paranormal investigation teams and attempt to enlighten the public on the truth about religion and the paranormal.

  The Uini Research paranormal organization has a responsibility to:

-Educate our clients in order to meet future paranormal investigation and research needs.

-Foster research that leads to scientific advancements and the improvement of paranormal investigation and research techniques.

-Providing new scientific advancements in the field so that we may better assist our clients, researchers and other paranormal investigation teams.

-Provide a broad range of services to clients, researchers, religious organizations and other paranormal investigation teams.

-Unite clients, researchers and other investigation teams.

This mission will be achieved through dedication, excellence, professionalism, diligence and fiscal responsibility.