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     I grew up in a haunted house where I also experienced some UFO activity as well. When I told my friends at school about these experiences, I lost every single one of them. Either by their choice or their families told them to stay away from me. I told my parents, but they told me that nothing was happening. I felt alone in the world. During my childhood I went into depression and had a lot of anxiety. When I came home, I was so frightened about nightfall coming that I couldn't think straight. I gave up on doing homework and instead focused on Nintendo and Paranormal studies. Because I was constantly bullied every day at school and when I would go outside to play I chose to stay inside and seclude myself in my room. When I was a teenager, I attempted suicide by stepping out in front of an on-coming car. At the last second I jumped back on the sidewalk and talked some sense into myself. I would ask myself, why can't I live a "normal life". The answer became clear!

                            #CastUrLight Story
     I was told that my life would not amount to anything. I had dreams of being a business owner, writing a book, going into law enforcement, being a Martial Artist, being a teacher, being on television and leading a successful paranormal team. I was told by my teachers that I will not accomplish much because I was incapable of doing much. I was told instead of law enforcement I should work at a cash register and maybe one day move up. (I was working at supermarket at the time and was my first job.) My classmates and ex-friends would tell me that I am loser, retard, freak and many told me to go kill myself since I was "a pile of trash" and "God's flawed creation". I graduated High School with an I.E.P. Diploma and wanted to get my GED. I told my teachers I will take a GED course and pass the test in a year. I was told it would take me 3-10 years by some of my teachers, because my reading comprehension was at a 9th grade level. I was told my paranormal research will never go anywhere and will never be recognized. 

     I was the person you would find sitting alone at lunch. The more cruel classmates would throw pieces of their peanut butter sandwiches at me knowing that I was allergic. It got so bad that I actually stopped going to lunch all together and didn't even eat during that time. I had a few classmates come over, hand me a plastic knife and told me to cut my wrists. One time when I was outside, one of the neighborhood kids threw an old Bible at my head and yelled "God hates freaks". When I was invited to parties, they acted like they were making amends and I was too gullible to see that. I went to the parties only to be cast aside and physically assaulted on occasion. (Thankfully not seriously injured.) At one point when I did have friends in my high school years, my invitation to one of their parties was revoked because they found out that some of their friends were planning on placing firecrackers down my pants and igniting them while I was asleep. In the past and to this day I still have people who send disturbing messages and post disgusting posts about me throughout the internet, because of my paranormal research. The worst part is, those are adults! These are just some of things that have had happen or are happening. 

Actual comments and messages sent to me. 
They stalk almost all of my different web accounts ranging from Facebook to YouTube to GoFundMe.

WARNING: Pictures with strong language!

"We must never forget that there are so many people out there who are emotionally suffering because of how they are treated when they try to talk about their experiences. We must cast our light to them, pierce the darkness and let them know that they are not alone in this battle!"
                                              - JOHN GRIFFIN II - DIRECTOR / FOUNDER